Quantum magnetism is a mature yet very active field of modern solid state physics, much boosted by F.D.M. Haldane’s 2016 Nobel Prize. Recent breakthroughs in new materials synthesis, new experimental measurement techniques and new numerical methods have lead to a vast diversification of the field. Old standing puzzles got solved but many more complex problems suddenly appeared to be within our reach. Which directions of research are at the moment the most promising and exciting?
The aim of the “Trends in Quantum Magnetism” Workshop is to bring together the leading researchers from Switzerland and across the globe to promote an exchange of new results, new ideas and new challenges in both theory and experiment.
Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF), Monte Verita, Ascona, Switzerland
Invited speakers
- Cristian Batista University of Tennessee, ORNL, USA
- Collin Broholm Johns Hopkins University, USA
- Alexander Chernyshev University of California, Irvine, USA
- Radu Coldea Oxford University, UK
- Thierry Giamarchi University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Mladen Horvatić LNCMI Grenoble, France
- Bella Lake Berlin Technical University, HZB, Germany
- Takatsugu Masuda University of Tokyo, Japan
- Frédéric Mila EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
- Natalia Perkins University of Minnesota, USA
- Henrik Rønnow EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
- Nic Shannon Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
- Nicola Spaldin ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Oleg Starykh University of Utah, USA
- Alexei Tsvelik BNL, USA
- Roser Valentí Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Organizing Committee
Dr. Kirill Povarov (ETH Zürich)
Prof. Dr. Andrey Zheludev (ETH Zürich)
For all the questions please contact Kirill Povarov